Monday, August 27, 2007

Just another day at the zoo

OK, so what was I thinking? Boo would be in school, brother and sister missing eachother terribly. We walk in the door, brother and sister run into eachothers arms (slow motion, can't ya see it?) and play sweetly together all night......and then I woke up.

Boo's been home 20 minutes now. So far they've screamed at eachother about 3 times, Bub has repeatedly (each time a little louder) asked her to drag him around the room by his head (fortunately overheard this and convinced her that we didn't want to take a trip to the ER today).

So now she is looking for her Barbie Cheerleader twisty thing. "Where is it mom?" "I don't know, look in the toy box" (5 seconds of searching) "Nope, not really, where is it?" "Well hun, I don't know, go look in your room" "Well I didn't lose it, I've been at school all day!" "Well, Boo, I GUARANTEE you that I did not play with it in your absence" "Well, Mom, FIND IT!" "Well, Boo, NO!" Huff, grunt, found something else to play with. Sheer joy.

On the brighter side, she is loving school. She loves her teacher and everything associated with first grade. The girl sitting next to her told her yesterday that her folder was a "baby" folder because it had Disney Princess on it. I guess when you are in the first grade, you are much too mature for Princess. I asked Boo what this gal had on her folder, thinking maybe High School Musical, Hannah Montana or is that too baby too? She had cats on her folder. Cats....does anyone else see the silliness of that girls remark when she had cats on her folder? Give me a break. I asked Boo what her response to this overly mature, cat-loving , first grader was. She said she did not respond. To that I say "Go Girl!" I was proud of her. I asked if her next-desk neighbor was friendly today and Boo said "Yeah, I guess she said all she had to say yesterday"

OK, kids won't let me type anymore...I've spent 5 minutes not paying close attention to them! More later!