Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Parties

Ya know, I just don't do well in crowds. Especially the Walmart, Christmas shopping types of crowds. But there we were last night, Rachael and I, doing some last minute shopping for Christmas parties. I'm room mom for her class and I had to take 2 dozen cookies to Matthew's party. Poor Rae, with the chaos going on, there I was saying "no, get behind wait, will you just stay in front of me? Gosh Rachael, when you are in front of me I keep running into you because you keep stopping! Get beside me. No Rachael, when you are beside me there is not enough room to get through the aisles!!" You get the picture. But we made it out of there with party supplies and her gifts for Matthew, Nana and Dale. Success and we spent less than $100! $96 to be exact.

Rachael's party was at 9:00 this morning. I brought cookies and crackers (juice supplied by the school) and I brought the goodies to make candy-cane reindeer. With the help of her teachers, my mom and another dad it was a success.

The party was over at 10am and Matthew's Christmas program began at 10:30am. One of the benefits of living in a small town. This time crunch was actually do-able.

Matthew did such a good job! The kids sang several songs and then when leaving the stage they got to each say their name into the microphone. Only about 4 kids wanted to do it (some were feeling a bit shy about being on stage with all those grown-ups looking at them) but Matthew got right up there and said his name.

After the program we had snacks, etc and Santa was, for some reason my children are not real fans of Santa "in person" the concept of Santa is wonderful and they love Santa! But the thought of him being in the same room with them? I don't think so. However, Santa had reindeer food and Matthew REALLY wanted some reindeer he braved it. I was so proud of him. Honestly, I couldn't care less whether they sit on Santa's lap or not....but I was proud of him for facing his fears head-on and coming out a winner.

I wasn't thrilled about BOTH parties being this morning, but now that it's all over, I'm so glad. At least it's behind me and I can relax. Presents are bought and wrapped, Christmas cards are (almost) all mailed out (reminder to self....go by the post office for more stamps). All that's left is a little cooking and we are good to go! Oh and of course church music performances on Sunday and Monday. I'm singing a solo on Sunday, then playing hand bells and directing the choir on Monday.

More snow is expected tomorrow. So far it says ice tonight and 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow with LOTS of wind. Don't think I'll be going out in it! It should be over by tomorrow afternoon so we'll have time to clear the driveways before church on Sunday.

Stay warm! I plan on doing the same!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Let those Creative Juices Flow!

I'm a huge advocate for allowing my children to express themselves. To learning new things and experimenting. I'm the first one to hand my kids the digital camera and let them have at it. Granted, the camera is barely hanging on and has masking tape holding it together. But I've gotten some FANTASTIC pictures out of the deal!
However, that being said...I discovered yesterday when I was taking a picture of my dear daughter (she's lost 4 teeth in 2 weeks and looks too cute!) that the camera's memory was full. Matthew had been taking pictures the day before and to my shock and amazement, this is what he found worthy of photographing:
So remember folks, when you let your children's artistic juices flow, use caution when downloading your camera!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Survey

I got this survey on my MySpace bulletin board from my good friend, Joy.
Here are my answers.

1. Christmas tree up yet?
Yes. We put it up the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

2. Any Christmas decorations up yet?
Yes. Inside and out.

3. What are you asking for for Christmas?
Just to be home. Kinda missed out on Christmas last year.

4. What do you usually do on Christmas Eve?
Church. This year I'll be doing handbells and choir at the service. Busy time!

5. What do you usually do on Christmas Day?
Wake up. Open presents. Cook C'mas dinner. This year we will have Christmas dinner at church, so not so much cooking. YEA!

6. Do you own any christmas clothes or jewelery?..
Maybe a Christmas pin or something.

7. Do you use white or colored christmas lights?

8. Do you cook Christmas cookies?
Yup, did it yesterday.

9. Do you buy Christmas presents for your whole family?
I wish I could...mostly just the kids and grandkids.

10. How many friends do you buy presents for?
A few.

11. Is there a Santa Claus?
Heck ya!!

12. Favorite Christmas Carol?
Oh Holy Night

13. Would you rather it be a white Christmas, or a warm Christmas?

14. Was last year a good christmas?

15. Which Christmas color do you like better? RED or GREEN?

16. Do you get a real Christmas tree, or is it artificial?

17. When you get older, will you get a real or artificial tree?
I am older and I have an artificial.....

18. Do you hang stockings?
Yes...stockings for everyone! Family, pets...whatever.

19. When opening presents, does your family all open them at the same time, or do you take turns?
We take turns to make it last longer.

20. What is usually in your stocking?
Mine? Lump of coal.

21. Do you get up early on Christmas day?
Yes, the kids get me up!

22. Does your family eat breakfast before or after opening presents?

23. Do you have a favorite ornament you hang on the tree?
A handmade star that my father bought in South Africa.

24. What Christmas movie do you like to watch the most?
Hun, if it ain't a cartoon my TV doesn't know how to play it!

25. What do you like better, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back Again.....

Ohhhh it has been so long, I have been so bad! Life just seems to get in the way, sometimes. But I guess it's a good thing I blog for me, because I'm wondering if I'm the only one reading this! Seems no one noticed that it's been forever since I blogged! But like I said, I do it for me.

Ice, snow, then more ice, then more snow.....and did I mention ice? We've had a few weeks now with lots of it. The kids stayed home from school yesterday and around here it seems that's a rather big deal. It takes quite a bit to close school. But they were back today, although watching Dale try to drive up our driveway to take Rae to school was rather interesting. I kept picturing him flying back down the driveway and crashing through the garage. But he made it and she's at school, safe and sound. I did decide to keep Matthew home. The ice and such isn't worth only being at school for 2 1/2 hours.

In the midst of all this snow and ice, Sunday was the choir concert at church. As if all their hard work, coming to practice and all each week wasn't enough. Even with all the snow and ice on the ground everyone showed up for the performance and it was flawless! I mean completely perfect!! I was so proud of "my" choir. As the last "Joy!" was sung I had to fight back the tears. I know, it seems rather over dramatic for a small church's Christmas program. But considering where I was a year ago (hospital) and where I am now. It was even more amazing than maybe it would have otherwise been.

So I'm going to work harder on keeping this updated. It's so good for me. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in Mommy-ing and such that I forget to take a few moments to decompress. This helps me do that.