Monday, March 16, 2009

Is That Sunshine I See?

Keep it on the sunny side, right? Yeah, we do the best we can around here! But on the plus side the kids and I got to take a walk yesterday (yea warmer weather!) and it's actually supposed to get up to 73 today!! It's been a LONG time comin'! (I use WAY too many song references, don't I? Blame it on my Dad!)

Well, I got my CAT scan results back. Typical me...good grief! Kidney stones in BOTH kidneys and cysts on BOTH ovaries. I just can't keep it simple, can I? Luckily the stones aren't obstructing anything yet and the cysts aren't too big. So that's a plus! I've had kidney stones 3 times before and talk about unpleasant! So let's all just think SMALL! :) My scope is tomorrow, so maybe I will know more then.

I've been playing around on Facebook alot lately. OK so maybe I am bordering on an addiction, but it's so much fun! Catching up with people I haven't seen in a million years, keeping up with current friends. I find I talk to my brother and sister so much more because of Facebook. Convenient, maybe, but it's just so nice to be in eachother's life more regularly. I'm finding that people that I was friends with back in school are still just as dear to me, that time hasn't hurt the friendship. I'm glad to have found them again, and been able to rebuild wonderful friendships.

So I worked last night, alone. Yup, it happens sometimes. My coworker called in sick so it was 41 residents and me. A friend of mine told me he hoped I would have an "uneventful" night. I don't think I ever have an "uneventful" night, considering where I work, but it wasn't bad at all. I had plenty to keep me busy and the usual residents that get up every night coming by to get a drink of water, ask (for the millionth time) what time they can shower, complaining about their roommate, little things like that. My favorite time of the shift is around 5am when they begin to wake up, come get their cup of coffee and say good morning to me. They always go out of their way to say good morning and when I leave they always say good bye and to sleep well. They have gone through so much in their lives, and continue to do so. But moments like that, you forget why they are there. They are just like the rest of us (some are much saner than a few people I've met on the outside!) going about their business, starting their day. Gotta love 'em.

So yes, that is Sunshine I see, but now I must go to sleep and see the inside of my eyelids! :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Been A While!

My friend, Kari, told me today that she missed my blogs. I realized, I do too! What a good outlet for me, I think I don't have time for this, but if it's good for me, I should do it. So try again I will, to do this for myself. It's been a year since I last "blogged" and so much has happened, I can't even begin to catch I will just start anew.

I went to the doctor today. I'm almost 8 weeks post surgery (hysterectomy) and am doing very well, well sort of. A few weeks ago at work while I was trying to be superwoman moving tables and buffing floors, I started to pee blood (ok, stop now if you just don't want to know this much about me!) This went on for a few days and I went to my primary care physician. She couldn't figure out what was up...there was blood but no infection. So she referred me to a urologist. I went to see him today and although he had no answers, he did want to do some tests. To begin with, I have to get a CAT scan tomorrow. And joy of joys, I get to drink these two HUGE (well, 16oz) bottles of "berry flavored" barium tonight. Berry flavored chalk more like it! And then nothing to eat after 9pm. When I get to the hospital tomorrow, more "berry chalk" and then an IV wth dye. Once that is over I will go to the lab for some labwork ("to rule out cancer", he says ever so calmly). Then, on March 17th I get to have a cystoscopy. A scope put up into my bladder to see how it looks from the inside! Now, some will tell you, this is no big deal...but I'm so sorry, tubes just should not go in certain places, and that's one of those places!! I've actually had two scopes before, when I had kidney stones and did not handle it very well. I was awake both times and that was just WRONG! I guess we all have our things. For some it's needles, for me it's scopes. So after some begging and pleading, he agreed to do it under general anesthesia. YEA! Now that's the best news I got at the doctor's office!

So, that's my update. For now. I'm planning on LOTS of good news from these tests. I'm sure I just overdid it, so soon after surgery and all is fine now. I'm not in pain, and I feel like if something were terribly wrong, I would hurt.

More to come...