Thursday, October 25, 2007


I just read a book...yes I said it. I JUST READ A BOOK! I can't tell you the last time I read a book. But I did it. Today. Matthew and I went to the library today for storytime and while he was enjoying his time I went upstairs to check out a few books. I saw this book, Life on he Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers. I just thought it looked cute ("Notes between a mother and daughter") so I checked it out. Wow. Cute was not the word to use for this book. It was easy reading but very emotional. Very good.
Anyway, I was so excited about actually reading something that I'm about to start on another one I've been waiting for the library to get in, "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom. I've really enjoyed his other books, so I bet this will be as good. I also checked out a few genealogy books and a biography of Abraham Lincoln. Genealogy has really become my passion and I've discovered, much to my father's joy, that I'm a closet history buff! Anyway, enough of my book report.
I broke my toe yesterday. OUCH! Acutally I don't KNOW that I broke it, but I'm pretty sure it is broken. I called the doc today and she said their's nothing they do for a broken toe, so I'll just limp around a bit. But MAN it hurts! Yes, I was goofing around. Matthew was on my bed and I was jumping around singing and acting silly and WAM I ran into the corner of my dresser. That'll teach me.
More soon

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