Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back Again.....

Ohhhh it has been so long, I have been so bad! Life just seems to get in the way, sometimes. But I guess it's a good thing I blog for me, because I'm wondering if I'm the only one reading this! Seems no one noticed that it's been forever since I blogged! But like I said, I do it for me.

Ice, snow, then more ice, then more snow.....and did I mention ice? We've had a few weeks now with lots of it. The kids stayed home from school yesterday and around here it seems that's a rather big deal. It takes quite a bit to close school. But they were back today, although watching Dale try to drive up our driveway to take Rae to school was rather interesting. I kept picturing him flying back down the driveway and crashing through the garage. But he made it and she's at school, safe and sound. I did decide to keep Matthew home. The ice and such isn't worth only being at school for 2 1/2 hours.

In the midst of all this snow and ice, Sunday was the choir concert at church. As if all their hard work, coming to practice and all each week wasn't enough. Even with all the snow and ice on the ground everyone showed up for the performance and it was flawless! I mean completely perfect!! I was so proud of "my" choir. As the last "Joy!" was sung I had to fight back the tears. I know, it seems rather over dramatic for a small church's Christmas program. But considering where I was a year ago (hospital) and where I am now. It was even more amazing than maybe it would have otherwise been.

So I'm going to work harder on keeping this updated. It's so good for me. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in Mommy-ing and such that I forget to take a few moments to decompress. This helps me do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re, I can promise you I missed your blog! I check it a few times a week when making the rounds of my favorites. I don't always have time to leave a comment, but I'll try to more often. I know what you mean - I blog for me, too, but it's nice to know that people are stopping by! :)