Friday, January 25, 2008

Good, Clean, Healthy Living

So as I had mentioned before, I joined a "Lighten Up Iowa" team to lose weight and get in shape. I logged in my first week and have lost 3 pounds. Yea me!! Of course that's only the beginning. But I've worked out quite a bit this week and worked HARD. I can't get to the gym as often as I like. I try to go MWF while Matthew is at school and I stay about an hour. I feel good about that.

HOWEVER, the real challenge begins now. As most of you know I am a smoker. Not a very heavy smoker, but a smoker none-the-less. I have been a smoker for a good (so to speak) 20 years, with the exception of both times I was pregnant when I did not smoke out all. Rachael has voiced her concerns about my smoking several times and although I knew she was right, I just stayed in denial. It was obvious she was embarrassed. If she saw a pack laying around somewhere, she would put something on top of them so they weren't out in plain view.

On Wednesday I did my usual weekly volunteering at Rachael's school. The kids have gotten to know me well and usually will hug me when I get there and again when I leave. After Rachael got home from school that day she told me that one of her classmates asked her if I smoked. Rachael told her no.

So, that's it. I told her when I finished what I have (about 1/2 pack left) I was buying no more. When I have quit before I've always done it cold turkey and done fine. Plus I've been known to go for days without when I was on a trip or something. So I know I can do it. But, losing weight and quitting smoking all at once. This WILL be a challenge.

I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl! You can do it! Ugh, I know how it is. I quit a LONG time ago. It's hard but you can do it. I'll be cheering you on!