Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I have to share a story. For those of you who don't know, I direct the choir and bells at my church. My kids sit with my mom in the congregation so I can do these things. My mom has told me several times that when the choir is singing, Matthew sits in the congregation and hums all the way through the songs. Very cute.

Well, Sunday I was directing the bells. When I'm directing the bells I stand in the middle aisle of the sanctuary a few rows back, about even to where my kids and mom sit. While I was directing I could hear this little voice humming and softly singing along. I got so tickled and wanted so much to turn around and look but I knew I'd lose my place in the music! But it was so nice to know that my little ones enjoy the music as much as I do.

We are blessed in so many ways. I was blessed by the beautiful job the bells were doing and by this sweet little voice humming along.

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