Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Saga Continues...

Well, Matthew is better. Rachael is improving but still has a fever and is exhausted. We're on the back end of this though (I think) and that's great. I may survive! I'm not sick yet, YEA! Grandad will be here in 2 days and we might just be germ free by then! We've had bunches of snow here and schools have been closed so at least the kids haven't "missed" much school. Since they are feeling better they are now bored and bickering. Maybe the sleeping all day was better! I can imagine that Rae will be out of school the rest of the week, since her fever is still 101-102. Matthew could have gone back today but of course the snow kept him here.

So I fell off the wagon (so to speak). I smoked. Not much, granted, only 1-2 a day (for the past few days) but I realized I couldn't do it without the patch. I became rather irritable and nervous! The state of Iowa offers 2 weeks of free patches and I got them yesterday, so here I go again! I'm not giving up on this one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! I have faith in you. :)